Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do you believe you can raise your intelligence?

About half of the population believes their intelligence is fixed from genetics. Luckily, that is only half the story, and the weak half at that.

Science has shown that when you are talking about cognitive intelligence measured by IQ tests, there is a correlation between parents and their children. But that’s only the beginning of the story.

Science has also shown the brain exhibits plasticity every day of our lives until the second we die. Plasticity means two things: The brain grows brand new brain cells, and the brain constantly grows and discontinues new connections with other cells. On a simplified level, these cells represent new memories and that translates into the fact that we have learned something new.

You can raise your intelligence. Some professionals have written about multiple intelligences: artistic, sports, social, and other forms of intelligence. It doesn’t matter what type of intelligence you’re speaking of; all of them can be increased.

Are you in the half of the population who believes that your intelligence can be raised? Or are you in the half that thinks you are stuck with what you were born with?

Studies show people who believe, as science proves, that we can increase our intelligence are much more successful. Which type of believer are you? Is in your workplace? Teaches your children? Did you marry? Is your boss?

I challenge you this week to really think through your beliefs on intelligence. Every neuroscientist I have ever read continues to be amazed by the brain’s seemingly infinite capabilities.

K. Anders Ericsson is a psychology professor who has spent his career studying how experts work. He says, “With the exception of some sports, no characteristic of the brain or body constrains an individual from reaching an expert level.”[i]

Attention expert Michael Posner says, “We have found no ceiling for abilities such as attention, including among adults. The more training, even with normal people, the higher the results.”[ii]

Imagine a world where half of the population broke free of their perceived limits and began performing at a level they never before imagined. The world’s intelligence would be significantly increased.

The potential and the power starts with you. What do you believe?

In the next day or two, I will blog on how you can raise your intelligence.

[i] Christopher Percy Collier interviewing K. Anders Ericsson. (2006). “The Expert on Experts.” Fast Company, Issue 110, November 2006.
[ii] Alvaro Fernandez interview with Michael Posner. (2008). “Training Attention and Emotional Self-Regulation.” Blog, October 18, 2008.

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